An end-to-end CI-CD project implementing DevOps principles
In this project, we will see how to use Git, GitHub, Jenkins, SonarQube, and DEPLOY on an AWS EC2.,
Java open-jdk 11
Stage-01: Install JDK and Create a Java Springboot application
Push all the web application page code file into GitHub
Stage-02: Install Jenkins and start Jenkins
Install sonarqube scanner plugins
go to manage Jenkins > manage plugins > search for plugins > install without restart
Stage-03: Install Postgre Database and Install SonarQube
Create a Project Manually
Give a name to your project, Project key then click on setup
Click on other ci and generate a token
Copy that token and save it somewhere because we need this token later.
Stage-04: Configure Jenkins
go to manage Jenkins> Manage Credentials > system > Add credentials > secret text file > paste the token we create in sonarqube and save and apply.
go to manage Jenkins > Global tool configuration > Add Maven and SonarQube Scanner
go to manage Jenkins > Configure System > Add SonarQube Server
Stage-05: Create a Pipeline Job in Jenkins
go to new item > enter item name > Pipeline > ok
go to pipeline and create your pipeline script and save and apply
Click on Build now to build your job
to see the output of the build, click on build > console output
Final output :
Jenkins Output :
You can find your jar file build by maven at /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/devopscicd/target/ this location
Sonarqube Output:
Jar file Deploy Output: